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Artificial Oak, UVR, with acorns. Top quality. Height from 1 to 5 m, wide choice of trunks. Imposing and Magnificient.

The made in Italy Artificial Oak by Verdevip® has got unmistakable lobed leaves with rounded margins that are not only incredibly realistic but they are also enriched with the characteristic acorns, typical of this fascinating species that has been considered the Queen of Trees by all ancient European cultures. The artificial Oak branches are UVR and can be installed on any of the trunks of the refined Trunk Collection by Verdevip®. Your Verdevip® Artificial Oak is a tree of great scenic effect and it will fit any space in full harmony and any outdoor space too: in a garden, in a patio, in outdoor spaces in shopping centres, in theme parks and in accommodation facilities. After a long exposure to the intense sunlight, the leaves of the Verdevip® Oaks will not discolor but, on the contrary, they will remain green and shiny rewarding your choice with a long-lasting spectacle.

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