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Da lunedì a venerdì dalle 09.00 alle 12:30 e dalle 13:30 e 17:30.
SCRIVICIArtificial Peach Tree, white or pink flowers. Inspired by nature. Height from 1 to 5 m, wide choice of trunks. The Tree of immortality.
Just like in nature the flowers of this tree appear before the leaves, also the Verdevip® Artificial Peach Tree is an intense and flashy spot of colour, either white or pink, with no leaves. Refined, elegant, sophisticated and always in bloom, it flawlessly furnishes every indoor space and it is ideal also for weddings, cerimonies and luxury fittings. Burdened with flowers finished down to the last detail, the branches are installed ad hoc by our skillful craftsmen on the natural trunks of our stylish Trunk Collection by Verdevip®: Mansanisi, Mediterraneo, Jamaica, Japan, Tobago, Umbrella, Garda, Gigantea. Dive into the fresh atmosphere of the eternal springtime!
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Da lunedì a venerdì dalle 09.00 alle 12:30 e dalle 13:30 e 17:30.